Free America?

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Huffington post recently covered an article illustrating Obama’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision to strike out the Defense of Marriage Act and invalidating Proposition 8. 

In his words,
The laws of our land are catching up to the fundamental truth that millions of Americans hold in our hearts: when all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.

Freedom, as the Oxford dictionary defines  is “the absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government”. 

But the Obama administration sets to redefine this term with some not- so-pleasant revelations as of late.Time and again it has been revealed that our freedom has been violated under a shroud of lies and deception. We are led to believe that we are safe, but the question is, ARE WE? Are we served by a government that is JUST and FAIR, that works for the people and not against.

Oh wait, is that too much to ponder on? Let me cool it off a little then.

A Sneekpeek for the unitiated folks.

Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor with the National Security Agency recently leaked some highly classified data which reveals that the Obama administration has been spying on their citizens. SAY WHAT!!

The “Big Brother “has forced the telecom giant, Verizon to hand over the phone records of millions of the oblivious citizens.  The leaked documents also revealed that the US government has unrestricted access to the data held by popular websites such as Google, Facebook, Apple and couple other sites which hold confidential user information.

And how are the world leaders supporting US on Snowden’s extortion: well not too well, much to Obama’s dismay!  Hong Kong, Moscow, Ecuador  seems to be not taking the US orders too well. Read story below:

So what does the President have to retort to the shocking news?

“You can’t have 100% security, and also then have 100% privacy and zero inconvenience.” What a joke!

When has the American citizens been safe in the hands of this treacherous govt. Read  9/11 conspiracy, Boston Bombing, NDAA act, Chemtrails, GMO,IRS,PRISM, Fast and Furious and the list is pretty much endless if you want to do a little bit of research outside of what the mainstream media reports. Because all these high profile Media houses are controlled by the BIG BROTHER, you might want to check the authenticity of the news that are served on your platter.

Read more, Question further. Happy day folks!

More from AMY coming soon (Who is mighty pissed at the moment with the US govt for snooping in on her cooking recipe facebook page and accessories shopping google list!)

World's Fastest Workout?

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Ever wondered if your warm up was sufficient? Well here is a small routine that will have you sweating in four minutes if you do it right. I thought it was a piece of cake and for my arrogance had to forgo my push ups for the day. If you are feeling confident and want to push yourself, try it for eight minutes.

I doubt any of us want to look like the hulk or have the perseverance to even read through Lou Ferrigno's workout regimen but try this routine for a couple of months and you won't have to scamper for a t-shirt next time the bell rings and someone's at the door.

BvnBn just wants me to get off the couch so he can have my spot. 

Workout for Dummies

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Here's how to start out on getting those great guns you could flex in public without sending everybody scrambling for cover. 

Always remember that lifting weights in the gym never ruined anybody's back, but the huge ego that lifted more than they should always ended up with back aches and in cases of extreme stupidity, injury that could leave you bedridden for days. 

Watch this space for more tips on how to turn yourself into someone even you'd love looking at.

Personally, the only curling I do is with the pillow, and it does wonders for me. *wink* More coming up from BvnBn, who firmly believes that, with 2 weeks of 'curling' he can beat Mark Ruffalo and Lou Ferrigno in a fist fight.

Because the evidence thus far was not enough..

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Mounting evidence for the theory that the Japs are freakin nuts!
This is a 1.3 million $ robot that can fire 6000 rounds of paintball bullets (The gun is activated when the pilot in the cockpit "smiles")

"Kuratas is a rideable and user operated robot built by the Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry. Billed as the world's first giant boarding robot. The Kuratas robot was developed by artist Kogoro Kurata (whom the suit is named after), and roboticist Wataru Yoshizaki."

Hit the link for the operating manual..

Limited Edition Batman Wristwatch

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This is a limited edition Batman wrist watch from Diesel that will set you back by $325.

Sadly, it does not come with a limited edition explosives detonator nor a mini grappling hook.

Hit the link for a couple more stills of this over priced wrist toy..  

You should probably skip this one..

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Because we have always wondered where these brands originated from.. D'oh...

Hit the link for more corporate america yoodledoodle.

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